Home Lovers: Outdoor Showers

Because we live by the beach, we are seeing outdoor showers in almost every new construction home, and a good portion of older homes, as well. Here are some things to keep in mind for outdoor showers: 

1. Makes Going To The Beach Easier

This of course is the obvious one. It keeps the sand and salt outside, where rightfully it belongs and not on your couch, floor or furniture. You can also use it to wash off your beach toys, surfboards, paddlebaords, chairs, etc. If a full shower isn’t for you, a foot shower  can accomplish the same. 

2. Awesome For Kids

Even if they haven’t been at the beach, if they have been rolling around in the mud, or playing outside, they always seem to appreciate the outdoor shower, given the right weather outside.  

3. Great for Dogs and Gardening

This is a great option to using a hose for your dog or gardening tools, or your hands and feet after gardening. The shower also makes it less messy of a task when washing the dog off. (And hopeless keeps the wet dog smell outside!) 

Given all the positives, it is also important to remember the contrary. The water bill can definitely rise, they are expensive to install especially living by the beach because of the salt water and corrosion, and you must be consistent with cleaning the drainage. 

Check the photos above for some favorite outdoor showers we have come across.